この記事は、 ウィリアム・バーンスタインがBusiness Insiderのために概説した計画 にリンクしており、次のように書かれています:
Put equal amounts of that 15% into just three different mutual funds:
• A U.S. total stock market index fund
• An international total stock market index fund
• A U.S. total bond market index fund
Over time, the three funds will grow at different rates, so once per year
you'll adjust their amounts so that they're again equal.
That's it.
MUTF: VTSMX Vanguard Total Stock Market Index
MUTF: VGTSX Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares
MUTF: VBMFX Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Investor Shares
annual salary total contributions final investment
rise (%) over 21 years value after 21 years
0 20,790 43,111
1 23,007 46,734
2 25,526 50,791
funds = {"VTSMX", "VGTSX", "VBMFX"};
(* Plotting the fund indices *)
{tsm, ism, tbm} = FinancialData[#, {"April 29, 1996",
DateList[], "Month"}] & /@ funds; DateListPlot[
Transpose[{First /@ #, 100 Last /@ #/#[[1, 2]]}] & /@
{tsm, ism, tbm}, PlotLegends -> funds, PlotLabel ->
"Indices from month-end April 1996 rebased to 100"]
以下はシミュレーションを実行するためのコードです。もしあなたが Mathematica をお持ちであれば、別のファンドで試すことができます。 これは、異なるタイプのファンドに分散投資をすることの合理性を示しています。
(* Plotting the investment contributions *)
salary = 550;
investment = salary*0.15;
inflation = 2;
nmonths = Length[tsm] - 1;
ny = Quotient[nmonths, 12];
iy = Array[investment/3 (1 + inflation/100)^(# - 1) &, ny];
d = Take[Flatten[ConstantArray[#, 12] & /@ iy], 12 ny];
DateListPlot[Transpose[{Take[First /@ tsm, 12 ny], 3 d}],
PlotLabel -> Row[{"Monthly contributions with ",
inflation, "% inflation - Total = ",
Total[3 d]}], PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, Automatic}},
PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 6}, FrameLabel -> {"Time",
Rotate[Style["$", 12], Pi/2]}, ImageSize -> 380]
(* Calculating & plotting the investment values *)
{tsm2, ism2, tbm2} = Take[Ratios@# - 1, 12 ny] & /@
Map[Last, {tsm, ism, tbm}, {2}];
d2 = 0;
ds = {};
eachyear[yr_] := Last /@ Function[series,
AppendTo[ds, Total@Array[(d[[# + 12 (yr - 1)]] +
If[# == 1, d2/3, 0]) Apply[Times,
1 + series[[# + 12 (yr - 1) ;; 12 yr]]] &,
12]]] /@ {tsm2, ism2, tbm2}
vals = Array[(d2 = Total@eachyear[#]) &, ny];
rd = Last /@ Partition[Take[First /@ tsm, {2, 12 ny + 1}], 12];
{{#1, #2[[1]]}, {#1, #2[[2]]}, {#1, #2[[3]]}} &,
{rd, Partition[ds, 3]}]],
PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 8}, PlotLabel -> Row[{
"Individual fund investment values over ”, ny,
“ years”}], PlotLegends -> funds, Epilog -> {Red,
Arrowheads[0.06], Arrow[{{{2007, 10, 1}, 12000},
{{2008, 10, 1}, 9000}}]}, FrameLabel -> {“Time”,
Rotate[Style[“$”, 12], Pi/2]}, ImageSize -> 400]